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What is a Music City?A Music City is a community of any size with a vibrant music economy. Its benefits include a variety of advantages from economic growth, job creation, and increased spending to greater tax revenues and cultural development. Sign up below to receive more information on how you can develop your community as a Music City.
What can I do to help turn my city into a Music City?To help develop your own Music City please see our Tools and Resources, and sign up below to receive more information on this program, as it becomes available.
What are the key components of a Music City?• Artists and musicians; • A thriving music scene; • Access to spaces and places; • A receptive and engaged audience; and • Record labels and other music-related businesses. It is also important to have multi-level government support for music, a broader city infrastructure conducive to the sector, and music education programs.
How much does Canada’s live music sector contribute to the Canadian economy?Before March 2020, the Canadian live music industry provided 72,000 jobs and contributed approximately $3 billion to the national GDP.
How many Canadian’s attend live music events?One in five Canadian adults, or about six million people, have a favourite live music venue in their community where they attend events. More broadly, Canadians of all stripes believe these venues contribute not only to the quality of life of where they live but improve and sustain the economic and social fabric of their communities.
How are current economic factors shaping the business models of today in live music?It is now fully understood that live music will be among the last to recover, and that “when” remains unknown. Venues have closed their doors and many will never reopen. This is a significant loss to the cultural fabric of our nation that cannot be reversed without action today. We want to ensure live music remains at the forefront of recovery conversations
Will this program be designed to include the needs of a broad range of diverse communitiesEquity, diversity and inclusion are at the centre of the CLMA and Music Canada’s core values. By working with a range of organizations within the music community we can meaningfully gain ground together to create a more inclusive music industry, and to consider a broad range of needs for communities across the province.
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Philip Vanden Brande
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Canadian Live Music Association
Music Canada
© 2021 par Ben Purkiss Design. En partenariat avec Music Canada et l’Association canadienne de musique sur scène
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